The only calls he was excepting were from his dealer. Fighting his own battle with drink and drugs. So many times, Hilly had reached out to him for help. Its doors closed and boarded up in 2006 over a rent dispute. Where his life began within its smoggy womb. He looks for the white awning that used to hang here, CBGB written on it in blood. Expensive boutiques, trendy art galleries and gleaming coffee shops now exist in their space. Onto Bowery Street, the mean bars and music venues are long gone. Peter, his driver, slows so he can glance up to the heavens. The limo reaches the corner of Bowery and East Street. The buildings like broken teeth, stained and crooked, have been cleaned and crowned. He knew these streets when they were grim and intimidating. He watches from the back of his limousine as they glide through Manhattan.

This short story appears in our Ramones anthology Gabba Gabba Hey that was published in July 2021 - we reproduce it here for your Halloween pleasure.Īrthur cannot recall the last time he was on these streets.